20 command prompt secrets
it seems boring, but it’s true that command is also a most interesting feature
provided by windows. Basically there are two types of commands namely Internal
and External commands. You can do various of things if you know the commands.
come to the point regard this topic about command prompt secrets that are still
not known to many people. These are as follows:-
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Every command can be stopped in between with the abort
command: Ctrl-C.
If you just written the
command but not executed it, then you can simply change the command by
backspace. But sometimes there is a situation that you executed the command,
then you came to know that you did something wrong in it and you want to abort
the execution of that command. Here you can use Ctrl+C to abort the command.
Note: Ctrl-C can't undo
things that are undoable, like a partially complete format command.
2. View a Command's Results One Page (or Line) at a Time
you ever run a command that produces so much information on the screen that
it's almost not required.
can get rid of this by allowing the output to be displayed in one line or page.
To do this, just type the command followed by the pipe redirection operator and then the more command.
For example:- executing dir /s
| more will generate the thousands of lines of results but the more
command will pause each page of results with -- More -- at the
bottom of the page, indicating that the command has not completed the running.
press the space bar to jump to next page or press the Enter key to go to next
one line at a time.
3. Allow to Run Command Prompt as an Administrator
There are many commands that require
administrator privileges for running. For this, you can type cmd in start and
then right click on it and choose run as administrator. But if you use the
command prompt on daily basis, then it may waste lot of your time. So to get
rid of this, you can do the following:-
Create a command prompt shortcut on
desktop. Right click on it and choose properties. Then click on shortcut> go
to advanced and check the run as administrator option and then save the
Now this will automatically open this
command prompt shortcut with administrator privileges. Hence it will save your
time if you are a frequent prompt user.
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It is also a secret that is not known to many users.
Just read the below to know this:-
F2: Pastes the last executed command (up to the entered character)
F3: Pastes the last executed command
F4: Deletes current prompt text up to the entered character
F5: Pastes recently executed commands (does not cycle)
F6: Pastes ^Z to the prompt
F7: Displays a selectable list of previously executed commands
F8: Pastes recently executed commands (cycles)
F9: Asks for the number of the command from the F7 list to paste.
5. Save a Command's Output to a notepad file (using redirection
method used here is to use redirection operator to redirect the output to a
specific file.
Sometimes there is a situation that you need to save the output
of command so that you could review it in future.
Let’s say for example:- You want to upload your file into a
forum on web, then the best way is to save the output in file so that you can
use it in future.
For this purpose, we use the redirection operator(> or
>>) which store the output in a file.
Example of such
command will give system info as output and redirection operator used in this
will store the output in a notepad file named file.txt
6. Get Help for Any Command
Well, you may know that there is a help command (syntax: help ‘Your-command’) with which you can
find out the work of your command. But this command doesn’t provide help for
various commands.
There is another way with which you can know the syntax of the
any command.
this purpose, just type /? After
writing your command and it will display and explain the complete syntax of
that command and how to use it.7. View Your Hard Drive's Entire Directory Structure (tree command)
The tree command will give you entire directory structure. You
can view the entire structure of a particular directory by using tree. Execute tree from
any directory to see the folder structure under that directory.
Tip: As
if a directory has so many folders in it, then the tree command may produce a
lot of information which may not be visible at a time. So you can either use
the redirection operator to save the output in a file (trick 5) or you can use trick
#2 to view the result page by page or line by line in prompt.Also read:- what is cloud computing
8. Customize the Command Prompt Title Bar Text
Are you tired of the command prompt
title bar text. Don’t worry, because now you can get rid of it by using title
Syntax: Title ‘titlename’
Example: title khushkirat singh
disadvantage of this is that the changes will not stick and are not permanent.
So when you executed the prompt again after closing it, then the previous
default title will be back.
the advantage is that that this will help you to customize the prompt. i.e if
you take a screenshot of a prompt for your project, then the title will prove
that you actually used that command. And your project is not copied from
anywhere else.
9. Copy From the Command Prompt
you may or may not know, copying from the Command Prompt is not as easy as
copying from other programs. Due to this reason, the outputs are first saved to
a file.
what if you do just want to copy a short section of text to the clipboard? Yes
we can do this. Read the following steps to know how!
Right-click anywhere in the Command Prompt window and choose Mark.
Now, highlight the text which you want to copy with your left mouse button.
Once your selection is made, press Enter.
text is copied to your clipboard and hence you can paste that information anywhere
you want.10. Open the Command Prompt From Any Location (shift+rightclick)
you've ever worked in the Command Prompt for very long, you know that it can be
really frustrating executing the cd/chdir command over and over again to get to
the right directory you want to work from.
there's an easy Command Prompt trick that will let you open a Command Prompt
window any directory or folder
this purpose, just go to the directory or folder from where you want the prompt
to open. Then from there, press Shift +
right click mouse. When a new
window pop-up, then click on open
command prompt here and you are
done. Click it and you'll start a new instance of the Command Prompt ready at
the right location!12. Drag and Drop For Easy Path Name Entry
There are many commands that require you to enter the whole path
in the command. This could be frustrating if the path is so long. Especially when
sometime you entered wrong letters in hurry and now you would have to do it again.
For example, in Windows 7, the path to the Accessories group
in my Start Menu is: C:\Users\Tim\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start
Menu\Programs\Accessories. And nobody wants to type such a long path and
also it wastes lot of time.
there's a Command Prompt trick that makes this much easier: drag and drop.
navigate to the folder you want the path for. Once reached there, drag the
folder or file to the Command Prompt window. Like magic, the full path will get
typed automatically in the prompt and thus saving your precious time.13. Shut Down or Restart Another Computer
administrators in a business environment do this all the time for lots of
reasons, but you can also shut down or restart another computer on your
network, all from your computer's Command Prompt i.e. remotely.
easiest way to shut down a computer remotely is to execute shutdown /i from
the Command Prompt This will open a Remote Shutdown Dialog popup, shown above.
Just enter the name of the remote computer which you want to shutdown (which
you can get by running the hostname command on the other PC, select the option
(shutdown or restart) and click OK and you are done.14. Use Robocopy as a Backup Solution
to the robocopy command, you don't need to use Window's backup software or
install a third party program to manage your backups.
Just execute robocopy c:\users\khushkirat\documents
f:\backup\documents /copyall /e /r:0 /dcopy:t /mir, Just replace the source
and destination folders according to your choice.
Note: Robocopy command will
not be available if you are using windows XP or earlier.
15. View Your Computer's Important Network Information
Sometime you need to
troubleshoot the problem of your network connection. This information is
somewhere stored in control panel. But instead of going so deep, there is a
simple command that will help you to get the network related information
command for this purpose is ipconfig /all. For better results and to quickly
view the results, combine this command with trick #6.
16. Access Previously Used Command with the Arrow Keys
great Command Prompt trick is the use of the keyboard arrow keys to go through
previously executed commands. The up and down arrow keys cycle through the
commands you've entered and the right arrow automatically enters, character by
character, the last command you executed.
might not sound that interesting, but there are several situations where the
arrow keys become huge time savers.
this example: You've typed out 25 characters of a command and then try to
execute it, but suddenly you find that you forgot to add an option at the very
end. No problem, just hit the up arrow and the entire command is automatically
entered in the Command Prompt window. Now you can edit that command for
whatever you want.Also read: Windows 10 features
17. Automatically Complete Commands with Tab Completion
completion is another Command Prompt trick that can save your lots of time.
use tab completion in the Command Prompt, just enter the command and then the portion
of the path that you know. Then press the tab key over and over to cycle
through all of the available possibilities.
example, let's say you want to change directories to some folder in the Windows directory
but you're not sure about the name of that directory. Type cd
c:\windows\ and then press tab until you see the folder you're looking
for.18. Find a Website's IP Address
Syntax:- nslookup ‘websitename’
nslookup facebook.com
Want to know the ip
address of any website? It’s too simple. There are many situations where you
need to know the ip address of a website. For ex. You want to go to a website
through its ip address just because the dns of that website is blocked.
For this purpose, you
can use the nslookup command.
Another way to find the
ip address of a website is using the ping command
Syntax:- ping ‘Websitename’
look at the output you will get the ip address of the website there.19. Copy & Paste Easier with QuickEdit Mode
Trick #9 is about copy paste in command prompt. But this is even
easier than this.
Want to know how? Read the following lines
Just right-click on the Command Prompt title
bar and select Properties.
On the Options tab, in the Edit Options section,
check the QuickEdit Mode box and then click OK.
Enabling QuickEdit Mode is like having Mark enabled
all the time so selecting text to copy is really easy.
Now to use this and
perform the action live:-
To copy:- Just select the text to copy and then press enter. Now all that
text is copied in clipboard to get pasted.
To paste:- right
click once and whatever is in the clipboard is pasted in the Command Prompt
window.Also read: Rooting android device
20. Watch Star Wars Episode IV
Are you shocked? Am not joking! You can watch an ASCII version
of the full Star Wars Episode IV movie in the Command Prompt window.
Just open Command Prompt and execute telnet
towel.blinkenlights.nl and the movie will start immediately. This
Well, this is actually not a trick of the Command Prompt or any
command, but it is fun.
Note: The telnet command
is not enabled by default in Windows 7 or Windows Vista but can be turned on.
this purpose, go to control panel>program and features>turn windows
features on or off>check the telnet client feature.For more tech stuff, like us on Facebook:- Technology fever
Note: If you have any query regarding above commands, comment below and i will surely help you
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