Saturday, 1 November 2014

Hide files behind image using command prompt

Hide files behind image using command prompt

Sometimes it is necessary to hide our personal information in our PC. But the hide files option is known to many of the people which is unsafe.

Thus, we need some another way to hide our files. Although there are many third party software  that we can use. But all those will utilize our computer RAM and memory.

So the method I am going to discuss here will require no software. It will use inbuilt command prompt.


winrar (to compress the file)
Install any of the above software in your PC


Step 1

Select the file you want to hide, let’s name it as secret to avoid confusion. Select the image that you want to use to hide that file, let’s name it as image to avoid confusion. Place both items on desktop (you can place these anywhere if you have basic knowledge of command prompt about to change the directory)

Step 2

Right click on the secret file and click on add to archive. So it will create a new file having format secret.rar.

Now we have two items that will be used for the trick, i.e. secret.rar and image.jpg

Step 3

Goto start and type cmd. This will open command prompt.

Step 4

Change the directory to desktop by typing cd desktop (You can use any other directory to place the files and locate them if you have basic knowledge about command prompt).

Step 5

Type in command prompt > the below first  line code

Copy /b image.jpg + secret.rar new.jpg

Here the image with name new will be created on desktop which have your files hidden in it. Visually this will look like a normal image.  But there are files behind it. So for a normal user, its just an image.

How to view those hidden files?

Just make a right click on the image and open the image with winrar.

 Here you will see those files which were hidden by us behind image.

If you want to delete your original file, just go on. Because we can get it back anytime from our image whenever we need it.

What is the level of security to hide files using this method?

1. Noone can guess that you have hidden the files behind your images.
2. As one have large collection of images in his PC, so one can't guess which image is used to hide files.
3. For extra level of security, you can put a lock on your zipped file.

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